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Neobook Professional 5.5.4
Now it’s easy to create and publish your own 32-bit Windows applications - no programming required! Even inexperienced users can quickly combine text, graphics, sound, animation and other elements to create interactive, multimedia software programs such as: electronic books, presentations, brochures, greeting cards, educational materials, computer-based training applications, catalogs, electronic magazines, games, CD interfaces and many types of other applications.
NeoBook’s easy-to-use, floating tool palette allows you to construct applications using simple drag-and-drop commands. It’s easy to setup hotspots, command buttons, text entry fields, check boxes, lists and other interactive controls. Quickly create an interface that allows readers to turn pages, enter responses, pop up messages, play multimedia files, run other software, do math calculations, display Internet sites, and more.
Boxes, etc. * Create your own animated cartoons using the included NeoToon™ utility. * Launch Windows or DOS programs including other compiled NeoBook applications. * Send keystrokes and mouse clicks to other Windows applications. * Access your favorite word processor, sound editor, animation editor and/or paint program directly from NeoBook to edit text, images, audio and animation clips. * Enhance NeoBook’s functionality with simple to use, yet powerful plug-ins. * Test, debug and spell check your projects without leaving the NeoBook environment. * Use NeoBook’s Compiler to assemble your projects into 32-bit Windows applications (exe), Windows screen savers (scr), Windows system tray applications or web browser Plug-In/ActiveX controls (ocx). Compiled applications may be distributed or sold - without paying royalties or additional license fees! * Create a professional Setup/Installation for your applications, complete with compression and multi-disk capabilities. * Import files created with previous Windows and DOS versions of NeoBook. * New NeoBookDBPro plug-in lets you read and write database files directly from your NeoBook publications. * And more….
Supported File Formats:
Imports Rich Text (RTF) and plain text/ASCII formats supported by most word processors and text editors. Most common image file formats may also be imported, including JPEG, BMP, PCX, GIF, PNG, WMF, etc. Supports True Type fonts. Plays AVI, MPEG**, WAV, MIDI, CAR, MP3**, Flash SWF and other multimedia formats.***
System Requirements:
Windows 95, 98, Me, NT 4.x, 2000, XP or Vista. A hard disk with 20 MB free space. Mouse or other Windows-supported pointing device. Windows-supported sound card (optional)